Converting LaTeX to pdf, docx, odt in macOS with pandoc

By Keiver, on 06/24/2022, about: latex, pandoc, markdown, pdf, docx, archived

Pandoc a universal document converter is a great app to convert several file types. Here are some sample conversion commands I usually use in my projects It supports several file types like markdown, LaTeX, docx, odt, and many others. It's released under GPL-2.0 license.

macOS installation via brew

brew install pandoc

macOS installation via npm

npm install pandoc

These libs integrate with the pandoc app, but I was able to convert to LaTeX without them

brew install librsvg homebrew/cask/basictex
# python is also required if not installed
brew install python

Sample conversion commands

# Markdown to LaTeX
pandoc -s -o result.tex

# LaTeX to PDF
pdflatex target.tex

# LaTeX to DOCX
pandoc -s target.tex -o result.docx

# LaTeX to ODT
pandoc -s target.tex -o result.docx


Pandoc installation
Pandoc official demos

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